Since January 2018 Doug & Hilda Sylva have lived in Bernville in Pennsylvania, USA. They are involved in the Christian Missionary Technical Services (CMTS).

In their ministry in America with CMTS Doug and Hilda work with young people who need a second chance in life. In addition to discipleship training, training in a professional field, Doug teaches them how to work on the cars: maintenance, spraying and refurbishing. Hilda also works in other departments of CMTS. There are always practical matters to arrange. Hilda is part of the hospitality team, does gardening, prays with people and homeschools their granddaughter two days a week.


Newsletter and home church

If you wish to receive Doug and Hilda’s newsletter you can request that here.

Their home church is Baptistengemeente Ichtus te Waddinxveen (in Dutch). 


The people working with CMTS do not receive a salary but live from the support of friends and churches who pray for them and stand behind them financially. The Sylva family trust the Lord to provide for their daily needs. 

If you wish to financially support the Sylva family you can make your contribution to bank account: 

NL44 RABO 0143 8834 37, in the name of ITeams, with the note TO-MV Sylva 


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