
Pojan is a large village of about 5000 inhabitants. It is located 15km from Korça, a city in south-eastern Albania. The gospel has been shared in Pojan since the 1990's through the work of the Evangelical Church Korça. The church has grown since these early days.


The team spends a lot of time in building relationships, making disciples, listening to people and showing what it means to be a Christian. In addition, there is an activity going on in the church building on most days of the week. For example, programs are organized for children, teenagers and youth, but people from the village can also have their blood pressure or blood sugar measured for free. The principle of the gospel in 'word and deed' is applied very practically.

Involved at a distance

Eduard and Joni Versteeg were missionaries of iTeams NL in Albania for a number of years, committing three of those years to working in Pojan. After their departure they handed over the baton to the Albanians. Eduard and Joni remain involved in this project remotely. It is nice to see that the work continues!

The work in Pojan is dependent on donations. Do you have a heart for church work and do you want to support the work in Pojan?

Your contribution is welcome to bank account:

NL94 RABO 0143 8834 10 in the name of “iTeams” with the note AO-PC

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