EsperanzArt is a workshop in Quito, Ecuador where teenager girls from difficult backgrounds are given the chance to make jewellery. In a fun way the girls learn the principles of fair labour. Quality is rewarded, but more production leads to more income.
Jewellery is also made from natural means such as wood, stone, nuts and other seeds. EsperanzArt takes care of the sale of the jewellery, in both Ecuador and abroad. In this way EsperanzArt gives hope to these teenagers.
Online store
Soon EsperanzArt products will be sold in the Netherlands through an online store. More information will be published on this website as soon as it is available.
The workshop is part of ESME (End Slavery Ministry Ecuador), an Ecuadorian charity founded by iTeams NL members. Casa Adalia is also part of this organisation.
Any donations to EsperanzArt are greatly appreciated, as it remains a charity which doesn’t cover its cost through sales. Contributions are welcome at the bank account:
NL55 RABO 0155 6677 69 in the name of “Iteams” with the notice ES-EA